Sunday 4 October 2009 princess

This blog is dedicated to Cleo...the sweetness in my life

Most of you would think that getting home a pup is easy...can be done in a snap of your fingers. But let me tell you it is not as easy at it seems. There are loads of things you have to consider and reconsider before you narrow down your choice to that one distinct " woof-woof" or you could end up in "not-so-pleasant" unknown territory . I did my fair share of home-work too. First I had to research about each and every breed that runs this planet and their thousand and one traits. A lot of research and googling later, I pinned down my choice to a daschund. Small, sociable, active and a good watch dogs...that's how the various dog breed sites defined them. This was much more than what I had bargained for, all I wanted was a companion.

I still vividly remember the day we went to get Cleo from the breeders. Only 40 days old (The breeders had insisted that it was the best time to separate her from her mom) she was a tiny ball of life. The only black and tan puppy among her red, chocolate and tan sisters and brothers, I fell in love with her at first sight. She was a bundle of energy and definitely the bossy one. I still remember how scared she was on our ride back from the breeders. Wrapped in my shawl she would peek up to meet my gaze once in a while, her black beady eyes conveyed much more than any words could have. Her rhythmic heartbeat and sudden shivers made me realize how lucky I was to have this fragile life associated with mine now and forever.

Now 8 months old she is a precious and inseparable member of my family. Still active as ever. Her warm and sloppy welcome when I'm back home from work, her excitement when I take her out for a stroll, her cuddling up next to me when cold.....everything..reminds me of how lucky I am that God sent her my way.

Yes there are days when she is not the "cute angel" and her halo vanishes to be replaced by horns (and to top it all she gives me a puzzled look when I get mad at her for ruining the cushion and turning the room to snowy Alaska)...yet I know that I shall never be able to stay mad at for long. Ill love her no matter what and I know the feeling is mutual....