Thursday 1 March 2012

A brother's dream

In India weddings are a big deal. Family prestige is on line here... that's how serious business a marriage is. Everything has to be first, venue,entertain
ment and not to forget the jewelry and clothes. So imagine the kind of pressure the families of the bride and groom go through for their "dream wedding". Yes, in India the the couple alone don't share the burden & luxury of a dream wedding...the dream is shared by the entire family :)

I recently attended the marriage of a close friend's sister and without doubt I can state that this was one of the most interesting weddings I had ever attended. Unlike the typical elaborate and over the top Indian wedding this two day affair was simple and intimate which made it such a beautiful ceremony. The only focus was on "fun" that everyone including the bride/groom had.

But talking to my friend (the bride's brother) I realized that this simple two day event was not so simple after all. Actually a lot of effort had gone in, the effort specially borne on the sturdy shoulders of the brother. Poor soul must have lost some 10 kgs with all that running around he had to do(although it was good for him.. he was seriously becoming too unhealthy). But its so true when he emotionally states "I have got only one sister where else will I get to do all this."Awwwww..really a brother-sister bond is irreplaceable....

Anyways I had a friends and I prepared a dance number for the Sangeet ceremony and screwed up big was a peppy punjabi number and the guys just forgot the steps midway and just gave up and the girls ended up bumping with them on stage...but we had fun and everyone had a good laugh so..."all is well that ends well". Then on the reception a Ukrainianband performed..they were as unique as can get...they performed some Hindu hymns in theirunique was just so amazing...the ambiance the picturesque location...everything. Had an amazing time. :)

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